I saw Hannah's free workshop pop up as a social media ad and clicked on it, like I had done for many other sleep training courses! I enjoyed the workshop and knew that we had to sign up for the full course. At the time my baby was just over 5 months old and my husband and I didn't know what else to do. We would walk with him for ages down the corridor or turn the extractor fan on in the kitchen for him to finally sleep, to then wake up in his cot 20 minutes later and that was it! At night he never slept more than an hour at a time. My husband and I were doing shifts during the night so that we could at least get some sleep in between us. Baby would only settle on us or in our bed for a longer period of sleep. 


We put all our hopes in the course and it was worth every penny. While it was a long process with quite a few steps, it didn't matter as slowly we began to see results. We no longer had to walk him or hold him to sleep, he slowly began to sleep a bit longer at night and eventually my husband and I were able to be back in the same bed! 

I also really appreciated the weaning advice with the recipes and also the day time schedules.


At the end of the course my husband and I decided it was time to see if baby would finally settle in his own room. Since doing this he has slept through every night so far, meaning night time feeds have also stopped. Nap times have also increased and he is able to sleep up to 2 hours.


My husband and I have our night times back to spend more time together. We honestly can't believe the difference and are so grateful for this change!!


Stephanie and Samuel (7 months)


Imagine having your evening back and being able to relax in front of the TV, have a glass of wine, or even go out and know your baby will be ok without you there.

About the course


Welcome and background to sleep


Daytime changes


Overnight changes


Sleep training!


Finishing touches


Staying on track

In this module I teach you how to stay on track with a baby sleeping brillaintly. You will learn how to manage teething, illness, travelling and managing normal life with a baby sleeping well. 

My little boy was waking 6-8 times a night, being fed to sleep and contact napping. We were going to bed at the same time as he was. Now he settles in his cot by himself for naps with and with minimal help over night. He wakes 1-2 times overnight and goes to bed on his own. We have our evenings back. I feel more supported as my husband can now do bedtime too! We are all well rested and much happier.


Josie, Eli, 5 months (at start)


​Frequently asked questions

Is this a 'no cry' solution?

What happens if it isn't working?

Will weaning, milk feeds and routines be covered?

Can I continue to breast feed my baby?

My baby has a dummy, will I need to get rid of it?

My baby has a milk allergy, will the feeding information still be relevant?

My baby doesn't eat solid food. Should I be worried about reducing milk feeds, overnight?

Can I do the course in my own time?

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